About Jay
Elected to the Lilydale City Council, January 2025 - December 2028
February 1, 2008 to present, Jay is a Broker and Owner of RealEstateOpens.com LLC
March 17, 1983 to February 1, 2008, Jay worked for Coldwell Banker Burnet Realty.
Jay’s Designations and Certifications:
RealEstateOpens.com LLC Owner
Minnesota Real Estate Broker
National Council of Residential Specialists 2000-2017 (CRS) (4% Nationally)
Minnesota Council of Residential Specialists
Graduate Real Estate Institute (GRI) 15% National)
St. Paul Area Association of Realtors
National Association of Realtors
Minnesota Association of Realtors
Multi-million Dollar Producer
Presidents Circle
Certified Relocation Specialist
Jay offers characteristics one is looking for in a Real Estate Agent: Locally Born; Organized; A Good Listener; Detailed; Good Negotiator; Tech Savvy; Follow-up with Follow-thru; Supportive; Personable; Completes the Transaction Successfully.
Raised in St. Paul’s Crocus Hill area (second of seven)
Married since 1979.
Built a home in Mendota Heights in 1991 and now reside in Lilydale
Raised two children that attended Mendota Elementary, Visitation, St. Thomas Academy, University of North Dakota, and Purdue
Have three delightful grandchildren.
I attended University of St. Thomas, Cretin High School, and St. Lukes